No start,Quick start.

Let's hear all the gory details about your car and how it became alternative fuelled.
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No start,Quick start.

Post by Stoney »

Hey Gang nice to be aboard,I own a 1953 Chev pickup , 1975 sbc on propane.I have never had an issue until now,I installed an edelbrock performer intake, and now it won' start.I have an impco vff 30 and a 425 not sure of what you call them.I have the vff to manifold vacuum.If I hit it with some Quick start it fires up and runs perfect. any help would be appreciated .

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Re: No start,Quick start.

Post by Stoney »

O.K, I have a Impco VFF30 fuel lock an OHG X 1 vaporizer and a Impco 425 mixer.Could it be the vff 30 fuel lock malfunctioning ? So when starting there is less manifold vacume than when it is running , therefore when starting with Quick Start it fires creating more manifold vacume and the fuel lock opens. Am I on the right track ?

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Re: No start,Quick start.

Post by Stoney »

O.K. I am learning on the go. A vff30 fuel shut off, an OHG X-1 vaporizer and a OHG 450 mixer.That being said I can suck on the fuel shut off and can hear it open.Should I smell fuel ? I can not smell any thing. I will keep you posted.

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Re: No start,Quick start.

Post by Stoney »

I must say I am overwhelmed at the lack of responses. I will get to the bottom of my problem and keep posting as I learn.Considering the simplicity of the system it logically has to be the VFF30 shut off.Apparently it is also a fuel filter I am taking it apart to have a look,pinhole in a diaphragm ? Keep posted as I unravel this mystery.

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Re: No start,Quick start.

Post by C3H8 »

The reason for the lack of responses is you are posting in the wrong area. Many newcomers post in this area to introduce themselves, however most of the members go straight to the Propane index forum to look for members asking for help. Most don't notice posts in the Introduce yourself area.

So, a quick question. When you say it won't start? Do you mean it won't run on propane at all or it runs once you fire it up with quick start?

A quick tutorial.
VFF30: This is a vacuum lockoff. Normally only requires 1.5" water column negative pressure to open. Less then sucking water up a straw. If you can hear it opening when sucking on the vacuum hose it is likely fine.

X-1 vapourizer: Gets liquid fuel from the VFF30. Fuel is trapped in the regulator until air begins to flow through the mixer while cranking. Just opening the lockoff by sucking on it will not allow you to smell anything.

X450 mixer: When you crank the engine over air flows through it and creates a venturri vacuum causing the piston in the top of the mixer to lift. The piston is attached to three metering rods that allow fuel to flow through multiple holes and mix with the incoming air. The base amount of fuel is determined by the position of the metering rods. The base fuel mixture can be adjusted using an idle screw. There is possibly an additional adjuster for the WOT mixtures at the inlet of the mixer.

Repost your information on the Propane Index forum part of the board and some of the other members may jump in. I'll keep and eye out for it. Also on the Propane index board type in OHG or X450 in the search bar and you will find past posts regarding your equipment.

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Joined: Thu Dec 14, 2023 12:01 pm

Re: No start,Quick start.

Post by Stoney »

Sorry, my mistake.Update I rebuilt the vff 30 fuel filter cut off switch , found about a teaspoon of rust.Put it back on and had the same problem.Then it came to me.I was using manifold vacuum.I then switched to a ported vacuum and........................"BINGO"..problem solved.I will not post in the wrong place again .Thank you.

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