Bored NZ hot Rodders??

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Bored NZ hot Rodders??

Post by Steptoe »

So we have had motorised bar stool drags, motorised toilet drags..
But how is this?
New Plymouth. New Zealand Thursday 20 March 2008

Eagle Automotive's ( )500 cu in Funny car motored margarita maker!
Brad Anderson billet block , BAE billet heads, 14/71 blower, MSD 40 amp magneto, Knut carbon fiber injector hat, on 90% nitro
Add 2 bottles tequila, 2 bags ice, 2 bottles Margarita mix, half bottler Triple Sec, one can beer, blend with flames and nitro fumes until your eyes water, drink and enjoy.

And this recently sent to me..dont know the source but certainly FOOD for thought When it comes to LPG Powered :shock:
My Spelling is Not Incorrect...It's 'Creative'

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